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But it wasn’t small. It was bigger than his whole world.
There was cheering. More importantly, Channon’s smile lit up his whole face, and then Jack had to kiss him, so he did.
It was better this way, he thought. Better to have the question settled in private, and then to celebrate in public. But that Channon had made it happen—had planned this for him on his birthday, had planned it perfectly—that was more than he could ever have hoped for.
He kissed Channon again, lingering a little, and only stopped because their moms were watching. When Jack let him go, Channon was flushed and lovely, and Jack thought, Yeah. I can definitely fall in love with him every day for the rest of my life.
After that, the evening was a bit of a blur. Jack shook hands with just about everyone, was kissed by most of them, and kept losing Channon in the crowd.
Not that it was really crowded. The most important people in Jack’s life weren’t exactly many.
One of them surprised him, both by being there and by how glad he was to see her.
“Cynthia!” Jack offered his hand, unsure if he should kiss her cheek. Did one kiss one’s personal assistant at one’s own private engagement party?
“Happy birthday, and congratulations,” she said, offering her cheek and solving his dilemma. He kissed her, light and chaste. She gave him an impish smile. “You know, I really thought you would have been the one who’d call me to arrange this.”
It took him a moment. “Channon called you?”
“He did. Smart man,” she said, turning her head to eye Channon across the way, blushing his way through a conversation with Victor. “It was a tight timeline, two weeks, but we made up a guest list, and I found a location. We even went ring shopping, which I must say was an experience. And,” she added with a cheeky grin, “we charged it all to your card, because Channon thought you’d like that.”
“Channon was right,” Jack said, amused and pleased all at once. “I didn’t know Eguaglia catered.”
“They don’t,” she said. “I had to pull some strings. But we agreed it was your favorite, and Channon tells me you’re going to Italy for your anniversary this year, so it seemed appropriate.”
Jack absorbed this. “Where are we, exactly?”
“The atrium belongs to Mrs Lumeyer,” she said, glancing up at him with a smile. “She agreed to loan it to us if Nate would stand up for a charity bachelor auction.”
“And Nate agreed to that?”
She grinned. “Well, you can’t. You’re engaged.”
He really was. Jack followed Channon with his eyes, drinking in the sight of him. His future husband. The rest of his life.
“I’m so glad for you, Jack,” Cynthia said. He glanced at her and found her smile soft and genuine. “He makes you happy.”
“He really does. Thanks for helping him out with this.”
“Oh, anytime. I like Channon.” Her expression narrowed with amusement. “If you hurt him, I’ll make you sorry.”
Jack laughed. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
She left him with a smile, and Jack turned to accept the well-wishes of half a dozen people who loved him.
God, it felt better than he’d ever imagined. He shook hands with his dad, with Victor (overflowing with well-wishes), and Diana, so beautiful under the fairy lights that he leaned in to kiss her cheek without thinking.
“Congratulations, darling,” she said, and she winked before handing him to Mr White, who greeted Jack with a small but significant smile.
“My dear boy,” he said. He was so perfectly turned out, dapper as a painting, and his hand on Jack’s was warm and firm. “I wish you all the best in the world.”
“Did Channon call you?” Jack asked, and immediately he thought it rude, but Mr White didn’t seem to notice.
“It was your delightful assistant who called me, but yes, I believe your fiancé was the one to extend the invitation. Thoughtful of him. I’ve met your father,” he added, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “A fine gentleman, and your mother, quite the lady.”
Don’t hit on my parents, Jack thought, but it wasn’t something he considered a real danger, so he smiled, and kissed Mr White’s cheek.
“Thank you for coming. It means a great deal to me.”
“And to me that your young man would invite me, also,” Mr White said, inclining his head. “Be exquisite, Jonathan. I expect nothing less.”
Jack couldn’t help the shape his face made. “I’ll do my best not to disappoint.”
And then there was Nate, swaggering over with his hands stuffed messily in his pockets, rakish and disreputable even in his suit. “Hey,” he said. Then he grinned. “Channon’s doing great.”
“I can’t believe he planned this. Well, Cynthia planned it, I think, but it was Channon’s idea.”
“Nothing wrong with delegating responsibility,” Nate said easily. His smile was light, and then he was reaching out, both hands coming up to tug Jack into an unexpected hug. “Hey. Happy birthday. You’re gonna be the best husband in the world.”
“I hope so,” Jack said, squeezing him. “I intend to try.”
“Then you’ll do great. And if you’re worried,” he added, pulling away to flash Jack a grin that took him back nearly twenty years, “I’m full of awesome relationship advice.”
“I think I’ll be okay. But, thanks.”
Jack’s gaze lit on Channon again. It was hard to look anywhere else. This time, though, Channon turned to smile at him, and Jack felt his heart lift, like it might float right out of his chest. He held out his hand, and Channon crossed the room to take it, locking their fingers together.
“Are you having a good time?” Channon asked.
“The best. Thank you.” For the ring, the party, inviting his friends. Everything.
Channon smiled, bright as the sun. “You’re welcome.”
It made his heart ache. He was going to marry this boy. It couldn’t get any more perfect.
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Dear Reader,
And that's the end of Season Four! I hope you liked it :) I'm so proud of Channon and how he's grown into himself. And Jack, having feelings in spite of himself. I'm so happy for them :)
Thanks go to Jennifer and Anne who helped me beat this thing into shape. Any remaining inconsistencies and errors are my own fault.
Season Five will be coming along after a short hiatus, so why not try one of my other books while you wait? Also, I'm taking kink suggestions for Season Five in my facebook group—Robin's Reading Nest. This is your official invitation to come hang out with us there. Don't be shy ;)
Season Five will most likely be the last season for Jack and Channon, however I'll be launching a new serial in the next six months starring someone you already know and someone you glimpsed once in a cameo. My only hint is that it's going to be big :D
If you'd like to get in touch, check out my website for contact details. I'll be updating it in the next couple of months with cool new stuff, so don't miss out.
Until next time,
❤ Robin
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About the Author
Robin Moray lives in a house on a hill, with a handsome man and a handsome cat. Robin started writing at the age of twelve. Those stories tended to have a lot of elves in them, and woodland rangers who were secretly exiled princes. Robin spent years in academia, studying literature and history, and then embarked on a career in the private sector, playing with spreadsheets and day-dreaming of adventures with wolves and witches and magical pacts. Robin's first book, Bonded to the Alpha, was written in two months but benefited from nearly twenty years of practice. Since then Robin has been devoted to writing fantasy, horror, science fiction, and romance, in all kinds of combinations.
You can
find Robin in the following places:
Twitter @robinmoray
[email protected]
Thanks for reading!
See you next time!